Naga Guide

Wildung, Dietrich / Kroeper, Karla, A short guide to the ancient site of Naga (Sudan). The Naga Project of the State Museum of Egyptian Art, Munich 2016.

Cover of the Naga-Guide english
Cover of the Naga-Guide arabic

Lectures online


Lecture (in English) 
Sudan – The Cradle of Nile Civilizations
von Prof. Dr. Dietrich Wildung
In 2017, several video clips on Sudanese archaeology were recorded in the Egyptian Museum in Munich at the behest of the Sudanese embassy. They were broadcast by the embassy and the Sudanese Council for Antiquities over social media and as part of a six-part TV documentary in the Sudan. 

Slideshow for Children (in German) 
In Search of the Lost City – the Museum’s Excavations in Naga (Sudan) 
Dr. Arnulf Schlüter
Travel with us to the ancient city of Naga in the Sudan and learn how we conduct an archaeological excavation! 



Lecture in German
Out of Africa – the Naga Statue of Isis 
Prof. Dr. Dietrich Wildung
An Isis statue incorporating Egyptian, Hellenistic and African elements was discovered in the middle of the Sudanese steppe – but what does it have to do with the famous Aphrodite of Knidos? 
This lecture offers insight into a little-known ancient kingdom and its culture. 

Lecture in German
Queen in Africa – A Stela of Amanishakheto 
Dr. Arnulf Schlüter

The stela shows Meroitic queen Amanishakheto between the gods Amesemi and Apedemak. A number of subjugated enemies kneel beneath the Kandake’s feet, one of which refers to a historical event.


Vortrag Grabungen im Sudan© SMÄK

Lecture in German
Fieldwork – Excavations in the Sudan
von Prof. Dr. Dietrich Wildung
Part of the lecture series of the Munich Egyptian Museum “How We Became Who We Are”, this lecture focuses on the Naga excavation project. 
The other lectures in this series can be viewed on the Museum’s homepage here. 

Online Publications

  • Katalog zu den Sandsteinblöcken zur Publikation von Josefine Kuckertz, Naga. Temple 200 –The Wall Decoration. With a Contribution by Claude Rilly, Archäologie im Sudan – Archéologie au Soudan – Archaeology in the Sudan ArS 2, Münster 2021.
    Catalogue of blocks for download
    The catalogue contains all relevant sandstone relief blocks and fragments belonging to the decoration of Naga 200 as well as other constructional blocks mentioned in the text.
  • Schlüter, Arnulf, Statuenfund in Naga. Arensnuphis und Sebiumeker, in: MAAT-Nachrichten aus dem Staatlichen Museum Ägyptischer Kunst München, Ausgabe 13/2019, 16-19. Schlüter Statuenfund in Naga MAAT 13
  • Perzlmeier, Christian, Naga. Ein Thronsaal für den König? in: MAAT-Nachrichten aus dem Staatlichen Museum Ägyptischer Kunst München, Ausgabe 12/2019, 26-29: Perzlmeier Naga Thronsaal MAAT 12
  • Schlüter, Arnulf, Naga aktuell – Grabungsbericht über die Kampagne 2016/2017, in MAAT-Nachrichten aus dem Staatlichen Museum Ägyptischer Kunst, Ausgabe 3/2017, München 2017, 20-25: Schlüter Naga aktuell MAAT 3
  • Perzlmeier, Christian – Schlüter, Arnulf, Naga, ville royale, Les Cahiers de l’École du Louvre [En ligne], 9 | 2016, mis en ligne le 15 décembre 2016: Perzlmeier Naga ville royale
  • Linant de Bellefonds, Louis Maurice Adolphe, Dessins exécutés par Linant de Bellefonds lors de ses voyages en Egypte, Nubie, Arabie Pétrée : 2nde partie (inkl. den Zeichnungen von Naga) 2003: Dessins Bellefonds
  • The Oriental Institute, The 1905–1907 Breasted Expeditions to Egypt and the Sudan: A Photographic Study. Chicago 1975. Breasted-Expeditions
  • Wildung, Dietrich, Naga – Ausgrabungen einer antiken Stadt in der sudanesischen Wüste, in: Jahrbuch Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Bd. 37 / 2000, Berlin 2001, 125 – 155: Wildung_Naga_in_JPK_37

Videos online

Radio broadcast

Other publications

The following links provide a summary of the reports on the excavations in Naga in various monographs, articles and lectures, as well as press and media reports.

Sudan archeology