
Sudanese Foreign Minister H.E. Dr. Al-Dirdiri Mohamed Ahmed in the Egyptian Museum Munich

On Sunday, 17th of February, Sudanese Foreign Minister H.E. Dr. Al-Dirdiri Mohamed Ahmed visited the Egyptian Museum Munich.

Focus of the nearly two-hour tour in the museum was, of course, the room “Nubia and Sudan” where loans of the National Museum in Khartoum are displayed, which originate from the Naga-excavation project.

S.E. Dr. Al-Dirdiri Mohamed Ahmed, Auu00dfenminister der Republik Sudan beim Besuch des u00c4gyptischen Museums© Naga-Projekt
H.E. Dr. Al-Dirdiri Mohamed Ahmed, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Sudan visiting the Egyptian Museum

Dr. Mohammed Seghairoon Elsheikh Alfaki, Al Walead Hassan Abdo Hassan, Dr. Sylvia Schoske, S.E. Dr. Al-Dirdiri Mohamed Ahmed, Khalid Musa Dafalla Musa (v.l.n.r.).© Naga-Projekt
Dr. Mohammed Seghairoon Elsheikh Alfaki, Al Walead Hassan Abdo Hassan, Dr. Sylvia Schoske, H.E. Dr. Al-Dirdiri Mohamed Ahmed, Khalid Musa Dafalla Musa (left to right).
S.E. Dr. Al-Dirdiri Mohamed Ahmed, Auu00dfenminister der Republik Sudan und Dr. Sylvia Schoske neben der u201cMeroitischen Venusu201d.© Naga-Projekt
H.E. Dr. Al-Dirdiri Mohamed Ahmed, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Sudan and Dr. Sylvia Schoske next to the “Meroitic Venus”.